PM Plenkovic presents national security strategy in parliament

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic presented a national security strategy in parliament on Wednesday, saying that the security of Croatia's citizens and territory was the main duty of the state and the society and that the prevention of security threats was a precondition for the development of the economy and for the well-being and prosperity of Croatian people.

"The strategy is a basic document that determines strategic national interests and policies and instruments for their implementation. Over the past 27 years we have come a long way, having declared independence and defended our sovereignty and territorial integrity, thanks to Croatian defenders, the sacrifice of the entire nation and the statesmanly wisdom of the first Croatian president," Plenkovic said while presenting the national security strategy and a bill on the homeland security system.

Croatia now has key strategic goals accomplished - it has its territory, the rule of law, and all other relevant processes have been completed, said Plenkovic.

"It is our task to define with these framework documents what will enable us to identify danger and respond to it in line with high global and European standards," he said.

The threat of terrorism has changed the map of internal and external security, and timely action far away from both Croatia and the EU can prevent security threats to our territory and that is the message of this document, he said.

"It bridges the gaps that existed in terms of coordination, timely response to risks and crises and the need for a more prompt response to those crises. That is why I believe that these two documents will additionally strengthen all relevant state institutions in charge of national security and that their coordination by the Deputy Prime Minister (Damir Krsticevic) will be efficient and enable us to identify threats and know how to protect critical national infrastructure as that is a strategic issue of national security of the utmost importance," Plenkovic said, adding that future governments and parliaments would be able to build on the national security strategy.

Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Damir Krsticevic said that responsibility for security was huge, that threats were often perceived as something that happened to others until an incident happened.

Croatia must adapt its security system, it must plan and build a system that will be proactive, efficient, faster and better, he said.

Krsticevic called on MPs to support the proposed strategy, noting that national security should be above party interests and that it required consensus and agreement between the government and the Opposition.

The minister said that a crucial trait of the homeland security system was that it was capable of predicting and identifying threats and risks. Prevention is of the utmost importance and equally important is the ability to respond in a timely and appropriate way, which is what Croatia has, said Krsticevic, noting that the government would have an obligation to report to the parliament on the implementation of the strategy once a year.

"Croatia needs partnership for security and it needs that partnership to produce the system of homeland security that we had in the Homeland War. That kind of synergy and unity... of the army, police, firefighters, academic community, citizens... are required also today to build the homeland security system," he said, adding that the system should be modern as well as rational, efficient and befitting the country's needs.

Text: Hina
