PM Plenkovic: Croatia borrowed under very good conditions

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at a government session on Thursday that the latest borrowing was done under very good conditions and that the political stability directly reflected on the financial stability, announcing the payout of an HRK 1,250 holiday bonus to public and civil servants.

The Finance Ministry on Wednesday issued a HRK 3 billion bond which matures in 2032 and is indexed to the kuna-euro exchange rate. The bond was issued at a final interest rate of 3.25% and a yield of 3.30%.

"These are very good conditions. Bonds were purchased by pension funds and insurance companies and we would like to emphasise that insurance companies were particularly interested," Plenkovic said at the start of the government session.

The PM underscored that this sends a message of political stability which directly and concretely reflects on the financial stability and the issuance of bonds by the Finance Ministry.

Plenkovic also announced an HRK 1,250 holiday bonus for public and civil servants, saying that the bonus would be paid out on 14 July.

Text: Hina

