PM says diplomats' conference to become regular, annual gathering

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has said that Friday's conference of ambassadors, consuls general and chargés d'affaires in Croatia will become a regular, annual gathering of diplomats to be held following the government's first session in August, after a summer recess, so that they could be briefed about the basic frameworks and guidelines of Croatia's state and foreign policy.

"Many countries have this practice to be able to give their diplomats the fundamental frameworks and guidelines for the implementation of the state and foreign policy," Plenkovic said on Thursday evening, at a reception given for the participants in Friday's conference, as well as for the government ministers and representatives of the diplomatic corps in Croatia.

He expressed satisfaction with a new generation of diplomats who, despite some criticism, "have more political qualities than anyone else because they have an insight and broad international experience."

Plenkovic said that at Friday's conference, which will also be attended by President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic and Defence Minister Damir Krsticevic, he primarily wanted to hear from diplomats "what Croatia looks like in the international community".

"Outstanding issues with some of the neighbouring countries are critical, what position to take in resolving those issues and how to respond to global challenges facing the European continent. These are the topics for Friday," the prime minister said.

Earlier on Thursday, President Grabar-Kitarovic handed letters of credence to 12 new Croatian ambassadors, calling on them to show their patriotism and do their utmost while performing their ambassadorial duties.

"I expect you to be pro-active and put all your energy, know-how and patriotism at Croatia's disposal," the president said at the ceremony in her office in Zagreb.

Croatia's new representative to NATO will be Mario Nobilo.

The new Croatian ambassadors to Hungary, Serbia and Italy are Mladen Andrlic, Gordan Bakota and Jasen Mesic respectively, whereas Aleksandar Heina and Aleksandar Sunko will represent Croatia in Slovakia and Greece respectively. 

The new ambassadors to Germany, France and the UK are Gordan Radman Grlic, Filip Vucak and Igor Pokaz respectively,

The new Croatian ambassador to the United States is Pjer Simunovic and the new ambassador to Morocco is Jasna Mileta while Petar Ljubicic will represent Croatia in India.

Text: Hina
