Croatian PM meets Dogus Group and EBRD reps

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday received representatives of Dogus Group and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) who informed him about a joint capital investment worth approximately EUR 70 million, earmarked for the development of marinas in Croatia, Turkey and Greece

Plenkovic received Dogus Group President Ferit Şahenk, D-Marin Management Board President Burak Baykan, EBRD regional director for Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia Vedrana Jelusic Kasic and managing director for central and southeast Europe Charlotte Ruhe.

The investment discussed at the meeting is aimed at supporting further development of nautical tourism through the opening of new marinas and through increasing the efficiency of the existing ones.

Plenkovic welcomed the activities of Dogus Group and the EBRD, underscoring Croatia's orientation towards sustainable development of the tourist sector. He also stressed the importance of hiring young people in the nautical tourism sector.

The meeting was also attended by Croatian Finance Minister Zdravko Maric, State Secretary in the Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure Ministry Maja Markovcic Kostelac and State Secretary in the Tourism Ministry Tonci Glavina.

Text: Hina
