PM talks investments with EBRD reps

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Wednesday received representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and discussed investments in the private sector, tourism and road infrastructure, the government said in a press release.

The prime minister received EBRD's First Vice President Jurgen Rigterink, Managing Director for Central and South-Eastern Europe Charlotte Ruhe and Director for Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia Vedrana Jelusic Kasic.

"They discussed investments in the private sector, tourism and road infrastructure and in that context the prime minister particularly underscored the completion of Corridor Vc," the press release said.

The prime minister once again underlined the importance of Corridor Vc for Osijek-Baranja County and for the connectivity with Hungary, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. "I think that this visit and the many meetings that we had today are exceptionally encouraging," Plenkovic said at the cabinet meeting.

He expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation with the EBRD, which has continued for 25 years and has meant 3.6 billion euro invested in projects, many of which are still underway.

The prime minister was accompanied at the meeting by Finance Minister Zdravko Maric and the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Tomislav Mihotic, the press release said.

Text: Hina
