A powerful message on demographic revitalization of the country

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at the beginning of his cabinet's meeting on Thursday that the proposed changes to legislation on child's allowance and subsidised housing loans were sending messages about the country's demographic revitalisation.

PM Plenkovic explained that amending the legislation on child's allowance whereby the scope of recipients eligible for this benefit will be broadened to include an additional 94,000 families, or 154,000 more children would mean the allocation of an additional HRK 150 million from the state budget until the end of this year.

This is a strong message about our commitment to contributing to the demographic revitalisation of the country, he said.

In the same vein, changes to the law on subsidised housing loans, which will require an additional HRK 40 million from the state budget this year, are part of the government's demographic and population policy, Plenkovic said.

Announcing a set of laws on overhauling the judicial system, the premier said it would streamline the system so as to reduce backlog cases.

I find this to be an important message, Plenkovic said.

Text: Hina
