PM says gov't considering ways to help Uljanik

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday that relevant ministries and state institutions were considering ways to help the Uljanik shipyard in line with laws and rules on state aid, announcing that he would meet with members of the Uljanik management after a government session on Thursday.

Workers of the Uljanik and 3. Maj docks on Wednesday morning started a strike due to conciliation proceedings failing and workers not receiving their wages for July. The strike is set to continue on Thursday.

Addressing reporters during a visit to Varazdin, where he attended the local Spancirfest street festival, Plenkovic recalled that the government had approved a state guarantee in the amount of HRK 700 million for Uljanik in January this year.

"That has enabled Uljanik and 3. Maj and the entire group to function since then," the PM said, adding that a realistic solution was being sought, one that would be in line with laws and rules on state support, and that the responsibility at the moment rested with the shipyard's management.

"... I hope that the workers, who are Uljanik's co-owners, understand and appreciate what the government is doing, as well as what other governments did over the past 30 or so years for the shipbuilding sector," said Plenkovic.

PM comments on health minister

Asked if Health Minister Milan Kujundzic enjoyed the support of the coalition partners, Plenkovic said that he would appreciate if the public showed at least a minimum amount of trust in state institutions such as the Forensics Institute.

"We are very sorry that a young man, Matteo Ruzic, has died suddenly, and we have extended condolences and sympathy to his family," the PM said, adding that the public had the opportunity to hear from the head of the Institute for Emergency Medicine and a doctor from the Forensics Institute why that had happened.

He reiterated that it was important to him that the functioning of the health system was improved and that Minister Kujundzic was doing his job.

"What is not good is that such a tragedy has been used by a number of opposition members of parliament for what I believe is the scoring of political points, I simply cannot accept that and will fight against it," he said.

State must deal with tax evasion, its purpose is not to burden entrepreneurs

Asked about the tax reform, Plenkovic said that in the past three years the tax burden on citizens and entrepreneurs had been reduced by HRK 6 billion.

"Discussions on the rules on contributions are just at the stage of public consultation. I urge everyone to stop talking about it as if the law had been adopted and rules already changed," he said, adding that he would listen to suggestions from professionals, business people and entrepreneurs.

"The purpose (of the legislative amendments) is certainly not to burden them. Abuse of the system does occur and we believe that any responsible government must deal with tax evasion that undermines fair business, but that does not mean that those who are just starting a business must be additionally burdened," said Plenkovic.

Text: Hina
