PM vows further support to Austrian Croats

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met representatives of the Croatian minority in Austria on Monday and told them Croatia would continue to support their activities.

Plenkovic arrived in Vienna to attend the EU-Africa summit the central event of which will be held Tuesday.

"Here are the representatives of all Croatian organisations in Austria, at least in Vienna and the area," said Petar Tyran, head of the Croatian Centre in Vienna where the meeting was held.

He also informed the prime minister Croat organisations in Austria needed financial support to be able to keep the media for the Croat minority in Austria.

Plenkovic said it is a priority for his government to provide for Croats around the world, notably in countries in which they are an autochthonous minority, as it is the case in Austria.

"Austria is one of the main countries for Croatia's foreign trade, investments, a country that helped Croatia during the Homeland War in which you played a great role of support and understanding for everything that was happening in the homeland," Plenkovic told Austrian Croats.

He also mentioned the new law on citizenship which the government had forwarded to parliament and which is expected to facilitate the process of obtaining citizenship to Croats living abroad.

Text: Hina
