PM says effects of tax reform also to be felt in five Slavonian counties

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at a session of the Council for Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem on Wednesday that effects of the tax reform would also be felt in those parts of the country and that combined with measures that were being taken to boost birth rates and strengthen the economy, they would make it possible for the largest possible number of people to stay in the country, notably in Slavonia.

"We are aware that the current trend of exercising the freedom of movement is the most visible here. It is a structural problem which the state has to deal with and that is why we have been taking these measures," Plenkovic said at the session, which was taking place in Pakrac, western Slavonia.

He said that since the beginning of its implementation 18 months ago, the Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem project had resulted in significant progress in terms of utilisation of national and EU funds and in terms of mobilising and motivating the private sector to step up investments in Slavonia.

Progress is also being felt with regard to development, economy, tourism and other sectors, he said.

The current financial perspective envisages HRK 18.5 billion for Slavonia, and of that amount contracts have been signed for HRK 8.5 billion, while ten billion kuna remains available to the five Slavonian counties, said the PM.

The implementation of the development agreement is under way, several of the 219 signed projects have been implemented and others are expected to be implemented, he said.

Investments in healthcare and continental tourism    

Plenkovic said that today's session of the Council focused on two topics - capital investments in the health system and development of continental tourism.

At the Croatian Tourism Days event on the island of Hvar a decision was made to organise the next such event in Slavonia, Plenkovic recalled.

"This concept will involve a number of Slavonian counties. We believe it is good to send a message about the need for even tourism development, with emphasis on continental Croatia," Plenkovic said, adding that his ministers were constantly in the field because the government wanted the country, notably its formerly war-affected regions, including Pakrac, to develop as much as possible during its term.

Text: Hina
