PM says parl. decision on declaring independence one of most important events

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday extended his congratulatory message on the occasion of Statehood Day underscoring that 25 June 1991 is one of the most important events in the recent history when the national parliament declared Croatia's independence and sovereignty.

We particularly thank and pay tribute to Croatian soldiers, notably those who gave their lives for the defence of the homeland, thus making it possible for us to live in a free and democratic Croatia, he said in a press release issued by the government.

This national holiday is also an opportunity for us to remember the visionary statesmanship of the first Croatian President, Franjo Tudjman, and to remember all who have contributed to efforts that Croatia'd dream of independence comes true, the premier says.

Croatia is nowadays a modern and well-functioning state and a reliable and committed member of the European Union and NATO, and a state that is achieving results in many fields of the social and political life. Nevertheless, many goals are ahead of us which we strive to accomplish so as to make our homeland better and more developed, Plenkovic says.

In the recent period, in parallel to ensuring political stability, the government has been continuously implementing reforms and making the national economy stronger. The unity we demonstrated 28 years ago gives us an incentive to continue creating together conditions for a better and more prosperous life for all Croatians, reads the message.

"We are committed to building a society marked by developed democracy. freedom, equality and solidarity as well as human rights and social responsibility," the premier said.

Text: Hina
