Orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union marks a new beginning in our relationship

Today is the last day of the United Kingdom's membership in the European Union. From 1 February 2020 we will no longer be EU28.

As the current holder of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Croatia fully respects the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, but it is not indifferent towards it. This decision is certainly a turning point in the history of the European Union and a decision which Croatia deeply regrets.

At the same time, Croatia welcomes the fact that, as a result of immense effort on both sides, the Withdrawal Agreement was negotiated. It provides for an orderly withdrawal and enters into force tonight. In partnership with the other Member States and institutions of the European Union, Croatia will carefully monitor its implementation.

The UK’s departure from the EU is also a new beginning in our relationship. Both as the Council Presidency and bilaterally, Croatia remains determined to invest all its efforts to keep the United Kingdom as one of our closest partners.

Tomorrow the transition period starts. It will last at least until the end of the year. During that period there will be no changes in practice for citizens and businesses on both sides.

We have to use this transitional period to the maximum of our abilities to forge, through negotiations, an ambitious and long-lasting new partnership. Together with our British partners, we need to facilitate this transition for the benefit of our citizens.

The process known as “Brexit” was difficult in more ways than one. While we regret its final outcome – one Member State leaving our European family, we are heartened by the reinforced unity that the 27 of us have demonstrated in the past three years. The European Union will be smaller in numbers, but remains strong and unified as ever. 

Croatia highly appreciates the hitherto tireless work of EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier and his team. They have our full support and confidence in the forthcoming negotiations about the future relationship with the United Kingdom, as well.
