Plenković: We hope the school year goes well with three main rules - hygiene, disinfection and keeping distance

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković urged citizens on Thursday to listen to the health minister and epidemiologists, not to shake hands, and to see to hygiene, distance and disinfection.

"We are seeing to responsibility and three points - hygiene, distance, disinfection. Don't shake hands. The other day I shook hands because I was tired of refusing to shake hands with the president, but don't shake hands. Listen to Minister Beros and our epidemiologists," he said at the start of a cabinet meeting.

He thanked everyone in education in connection with the start of the school year and said he hoped it would pass well.

Regarding purchase of fighter jets, Plenkovic said four bids were received yesterday, from Sweden, the US, France and Israel.

"The objective is to maintain the military capability to protect Croatian skies for the sake of our country's security," he said, adding that the bids would be evaluated over the next three months and that the final decision on the purchase would be made by the government.

PM expects large support for Zagreb reconstruction bill

Regarding a bill on the reconstruction of Zagreb and its environs after the March earthquake, Plenkovic said the government yesterday accepted many amendments submitted by MPs and parliamentary groups.

"I expect this bill to be passed with as much support as possible tomorrow and that after that we will embark on establishing a fund, drawing up measures and rebuilding the city."

He recalled that the government co-financed an elementary school in Pribislavec in northern Croatia with HRK 33 million. 

"That's a good message given that 70% of the pupils are members of the Roma ethnic minority, and our inclusive policy has said very clearly that our goal is that as many Roma children as possible stay in the school system until they finish school."

Text: Hina
