Aladrovic: Retirement homes in need evacuated

Labour Minister Josip Aladrovic said on Wednesday that they had evacuated retirement and nursing homes in the affected areas, primarily those in Glina and Petrinja, and they had found available capacities in Karlovac, Ozalj and Zagreb.

"As for retirement and nursing homes and other institutions from the domain of social welfare, we have evacuated all those who were in need, primarily the retirement home in Gline. Some beneficiaries have been placed in Zagreb and some in Topusko," Aladrovic told reporters ahead of a government session.

As for the retirement home in Petrinja, beneficiaries to a part of the barracks. Structural engineers will today check the state of the retirement home and then it will be known whether the beneficiaries will stay there or be moved to other places.

Bozinovic: No information about buildings being looted

Asked whether he had any information about abandoned buildings in areas hit by the earthquake being looted, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said that all available police forces were on the ground.

"This morning I spoke with the police director and there is no information about that. Police will carefully monitor the security situation," he said.

Text: Hina
