The Parliament's Defence Committee supports the Government efforts on the selection of fighter jets

The parliament's defence committee was on Wednesday informed by the interdepartmental task force of the decision on the selection of fighter jets, however, after the meeting, the defence minister did not reveal the decision but announced that the government would make public its decision on Friday.

After the three-hour long meeting Banožić told reporters that the purpose of procuring the multipurpose military aircraft was to retain the combat capability of the Croatian Air Force and other components of the army.

Is it the best time to purchase the jets 

The Committee supported us, because the procedure was conducted transparently, and confidentiality was maintained throughout the procedure and not one piece of information was leaked, and that's how we will continue to act so that the procedure can be successfully completed, the minister underscored.

"This was an opportunity to discuss the timing to purchase the jets, after questions had arisen in public discourse whether this was the right time for that considering the amount of the purchase and the aftermath of the earthquakes and the situation in the economy due to the COVID pandemic. We all concluded that it's never the best time to make decisions considering that this is the biggest procedure regarding the upgrade and equipping of the Croatian Army, and the Andrej Plenković government hasn't deferred this issue and passed it on to someone else," Banožić added.

He said that media reports that Croatia had decided to purchase 12 French Rafale jet were speculation, stressing that the correct information would be on the agenda of the cabinet meeting when that decision was made.

We would like that decision to be made on Friday when we mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment the Croatian Army, said Banožić and added that the plan is to complete the task of signing the relevant contracts by the end of 2021, while other details concerning the procedure will remain confidential.

The committee's chairman Franko Vidović (SDP) said  that the entire procedure was conducted well and professionally, which could be seen in the fact that no information had been leaked, except for speculation.

It is important that no information was leaked

Vidović added that SDP had never questioned the need to procure fighter jets and that the SDP-led government had added that topic to its long term plans for the armed forces back in 2014.

He would not comment on media speculation that the French jets had been selected and that the Prime Minister would release that information. The only thing that was heard was the recommendation by the interdepartmental task force, however, it is up to the government to make that decision.

Vidović underscored that he personally supported any jet that would improve Croatia's national security and would positively impact the economy and tourism because our guests, and capital too, would feel more secure.

The head of the Prime Minister's office, Zvonimir Frka-Petešić, who co-chairs the interdepartmental task force also considers that it is important for the integrity of the entire procedure that no information was leaked.

"With this military capability, Croatia is being provided with a strategic deterrent which will raise the level of national security by several times and in the long run, which Croatia has never had and that will positively impact the security of foreign investments and improve our credit rating," he said.

He added that this is the last possible attempt to ensure fighter jets as the use of the incumbent MiG 21 jets expire in 2024.

All the stakeholders in the procurement procedure are bound by confidentiality obligations and  they risk imprisonment or a fine if they breach that confidentiality clause.

Text: Hina
