Plenković: Tourist season beyond expectations

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Thursday that the tourist season was very successful, and that numbers concerning overnights, arrivals and revenues, were better than expected.

At the start of the government session, the prime minister expressed hope the Croatian coast would remain in the orange zone on the ECDC map, and thanked Tourism and Sports Minister Nikolina Brnjac for organisation and efforts invested to have have a successful tourist season.

"Fiscalised receipt numbers are great. July and August 2021 are for now better than the corresponding months in 2019, which tells us that the tourist season is very good. This is great for the economic recovery, the economy and tourism,". Plenković said.

The prime minister said that the epidemiology measures the government and the parliament introduced helped achieve a sound balance between health protection, and the functioning of the economy, transport, social life, education and having tourists arrive in Croatia and feel safe.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is expected to release a new map today showing epidemiology situation in European regions. Last Thursday the Croatian coast remained in the orange zone on the ECDC map, while Zagreb went from the green to the orange zone. Croatia's peers in the Mediterranean are mostly in the red or in the dark red zones.

Croatia has registered 55.3 million tourist nights so far this year, and hence year-to-date numbers exceed the total overnight stay statistics from 2020 by half a million.

Of those 55.3 million nights, 46.6 million overnight stays were generated by foreign holiday-makers and 8.7 million by Croatians.

Text: Hina
