Getting vaccinated and acting responsibly is the way out of this crisis

Health Minister Vili Beroš said on Wednesday that 611 days had passed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia, and today's 4,571 new cases of infection with coronavirus was the second highest number in a day.




The state authorities will do their best to make the healthcare system prepared for coping with the virus, as has been case so far, but the key to addressing the crisis is in the hands of citizens and their responsible behaviour.

Getting vaccinated is definitely the main way out of this crisis, Beroš said in Vukovar, calling on Croatians to get inoculated.

He said that on Tuesday, 9,640 vaccine doses had been administered in the country, and nearly half of them, 4,516, were first doses, which he said made him happy.

He admitted that during this fourth wave, the number of hospitalisations was somewhat lower, however, there was no reason for relaxation.

Text: Hina
