The dynamics of the fourth wave of the pandemic is being determined by the number of unvaccinated people

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Friday after the national COVID response team introduced new anti-epidemic measures, that it was not clear to him why some people did not want to get vaccinated and added that after two years of the pandemic, that was not normal.

"The dynamics of the fourth wave of the pandemic is being determined by the number of unvaccinated people. We have said that immunisation is important. We have this situation now because a part of people refuses to accept that message. What beats me, as a reasonable person, is why some cannot accept that," said Plenković, commenting on the latest daily numbers and new measures presented by the COVID response team earlier in the day.

No one can say we didn't warn of this situation

He assessed that "it isn't normal" that after almost two years of the pandemic and numerous social and economic consequences that some citizens have still not realised the hazards of COVID-19.

The prime minister wonders why people in other countries like Italy, Norway and Portugal were taking the coronavirus situation more seriously than in Croatia.

Someone has to solve that equation. Is that because of a general mood that is permanently being created, mistrust in institutions, including the government and ministers? That certainly is not good. Or is it because people believe the hogwash on social networks? That simply is not normal, he said.

Plenković added that the government had done its part of job when it procured the sufficient amounts of vaccines on time and when it made warnings.

"We were the ones who have warned the people on a daily basis that if they do not get vaccinated they will leave an excessive pool of unvaccinated people, it would get cold and that we would have what we have now," said Plenković and added "We told you so."

Speaking about extending the use of COVID certificates, he announced that testing for all those unvaccinated or those who have not overcome coronavirus would not be free of charge for much longer.

"It will be free for some time and after that, we will see," he said without revealing any further details.

He criticised President Zoran Milanović and his statements about the virus, underscoring that last year Milanović referred to it as a tooth cavity," and now he is opposed to wearing masks.

"Instead of contributing to the fight against coronavirus, he is confusing Croatian citizens," said Plenković.

Asked about the opinions by a member of the government's scientific council, Gordan Lauc, on social networks that are contrary to the government's messages, Plenković said that members of the council do not have any authority to speak on behalf of the government and that citizens should listen to decision-makers.

"It is essential that citizens listen to those who manage the country," underscored Plenković.

Text: Hina
