Plenković We need to fight COVID-19 together, that is the only way

Prime Minister Plenković said on Thursday that as of Monday, COVID certificates will be required for entry into public and state institutions, recalling the importance of vaccination given today's information that not one of the youngest fatalities aged between 48 and 59, was vaccinated.

"We keep saying that this is a joint effort and I once again want to send a message to our citizens - we can only fight COVID together, it cannot be fought by only some citizens because it affects us all. On that track, as the response team announced, as of Monday COVID certificates are being introduced for entry into public and state institutions," Plenković said at a cabinet meeting.

He underscored that today the country had a very high number of new infections with coronavirus and 66 COVID deaths, which indicates the intensity of the fourth wave of the coronavirus epidemic. Of the 66 who died, 50 were not vaccinated with even one dose, two had received one dose and 14 were fully vaccinated and they were mostly elderly citizens with underlying conditions.

"It is particularly alarming that of the eight youngest people of the 66 who died, they were aged between 48 and 59 and not one of them was vaccinated. That information once again tells us how important it is to intensify vaccination," said Plenković.

He added that the contagion doesn't choose who it will hit and our commitment to personal freedom has to keep in step with responsibility and solidarity.

Introducing COVID certificates in public and state institutions is an attempt to additionally protect citizens' health and stimulate vaccination. COVID certificates have three elements - someone is vaccinated, has recovered from COVID or is negative and vaccination, tests and certificates are free of charge.

"As such, adapting to COVID certificates, which have already been introduced in the health and welfare systems, should be routine. We have more than two million citizens who have obtained COVID certificates, that is half the population and at the same time we are on the verge of two million people vaccinated, which will occur either tomorrow or the next day," he said.

The positive thing about this wave is that more people are getting vaccinated. Over the past two days more than 32,000 were vaccinated which means they have seen just how intensive this wave is and how many people are dying of COVID, he added.

Unlike the President, we are taking account of all segments in the country

Referring to other topics, Plenković once again referred to the meetings of the defence and national security councils.

Plenković said that the government initiated the National Security Council meeting and that it was substantial with a high level of agreement.

The Defence Council meeting was good with regard to identifying the situation in the armed forces and what needs to be done.

He recalled that after the budget revision the defence outlays were increased to HRK 7.19 billion for the army and procurement of multi-purpose fighter jets.

Apart from investments in material rights for soldiers, they are also being made in all branches of the army and the government is committed to strengthening military and defence capabilities.

"Unlike others, and I am referring to the President here, we are taking account of all portfolios and all segments of the state's functioning. Just like we respect soldiers, war veterans, police officers, we are also caring for the health system, welfare, infrastructure, agriculture, culture, education and of all possible topics on the agenda. That is the difference between the luxury of forcing one small segment in overall functioning and those who have a much broader responsibility," said Plenković.

He is convinced that the majority of the public sees and understands that, and in particular commanders in the army with whom a constructive meeting was conducted on Monday.

Text: Hina
