Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be a topic at one of the EUCO meetings in 2022

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Friday he had informed his counterparts at the EU summit about  the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and announced that this country would be a special topic at one of the following summits, most probably in the first half of next year.

Plenković said that during discussion on foreign policy issues he had spoken of his recent visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, his impressions of the political situation and key points concerning that country in the last three decades, including the Washington and Dayton agreements, judgments by the European Court of Human Rights and the Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitutional Court, current efforts to fulfil the EU criteria, and the issue of electoral reform to ensure the equality of the Croats as a constituent people in that country.

"I think my analysis was well received. It is important at this highest level to draw attention to nuances and the very complex political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We will continue along these lines next year during the French presidency," Plenković told reporters after the EU summit.

He noted that French President Emmanuel Macron had positively reacted to his speech and announced that the French presidency would also deal with the issue of Southeast Europe. He also said that he had asked European Council President Charles Michel to include Bosnia and Herzegovina as a special topic at one of the future summits, most likely during the French presidency in the first half of next year.

EU leaders issued a warning to Russia that any further aggression against Ukraine would have serious consequences and costs for Russia. They called on Russia to defuse tensions caused by the troop buildup along the Ukrainian border and stressed their support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

EU leaders condemned the Belarus regime for using migrants and creating a humanitarian crisis at the Union's eastern borders. They also reiterated their condemnation of attempts by third countries to instrumentalise migrants for political purposes and stressed the need to develop tools to deal with the instrumentalisation of migration.

Text: Hina
