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Swing Software wins prime ministerial award as best web siteThe Split-based company Swing Software is this year's winner of the prime ministerial award for the best web site in the seventh annual competition "See Web Top 100".

24.12.2006. | Pisane vijesti
Croatia's economy Minister comment on results 1n 2006, plans for next year The year 2006 was very good and successful for the Croatian economy, and next year efforts will be made to tackle the problem of shipbuilding industry and launch an export offensive, the Minister of the Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Branko Vukelic, told reporters on Friday.

22.12.2006. | Pisane vijesti
PM Sanader: Next parliamentary elections to take place in November 2007The next parliamentary elections in Croatia will take place in November 2007, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader announced in a Croatian Television current affairs programme on Thursday evening.

22.12.2006. | Pisane vijesti
Čestitka predsjednika Vlade RH dr. sc. Ive Sanadera u povodu BožićaDr. sc. Ivo Sanadepredsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatskuputio je čestitku Hrvaticama i Hrvatimsvim građankama i građanima Republike Hrvatske u povodu Božića:

22.12.2006. | Pisane vijesti
Basic salary of budgetary users to amount to 4,819 kuna as of January The new base for the calculation of the salaries of budgetary users in 2007 will amount to 4,819.66 kuna and will apply as of January next year, the Croatian government decided on Thursday.

21.12.2006. | Pisane vijesti
Croatian government sends to EU its negotiating position on Financial Control chapterThe Croatian government on Thursday sent to the Finnish EU Presidency and the EU Council Secretariat General Croatia's negotiating position for the Financial Control chapter.

21.12.2006. | Pisane vijesti
Potpredsjednica Vlade s predstavnicima Saveza izviđača HrvatskePotpredsjednica Vlade i ministrica obiteljbranitelja i međugeneracijske Jadranka Kosor primila je danas, u ime hrvatske Vladpredstavnike Saveza izviđača Hrvatske koji su joj tom prigodom uručili «Betlehemsko svjetlo».

20.12.2006. | Pisane vijesti