The Government General Secretariat
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The General Secretariat performs tasks in line with the Act on the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Book of Rules of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and also in line with the conclusions and other acts of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and according to the instructions of the Prime Minister, deputy prime ministers and the Government Secretary General.
The Government General Secretariat performs the following tasks:
Further, the General Secretariat performs general, technical, auxiliary and IT tasks for the Prime Minister's Office and performs expert and administrative tasks for the needs of the deputy prime ministers, and other tasks upon their orders.
The General Secretariat performs tasks in line with the Act on the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Book of Rules of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and also in line with the conclusions and other acts of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and according to the instructions of the Prime Minister, deputy prime ministers and the Government Secretary General.
The Government General Secretariat performs the following tasks:
- expert, analytical, administrative and legal, administrative and IT tasks;
- expert and administrative and technical preparation of material for debate and decision-making at sessions of expert working groups and Government working bodies, the Inner Cabinet of the Government and Government sessions;
- convening and holding sessions of expert working groups and Government working bodies and Government sessions;
- monitoring the course of sessions of expert working groups and Government working bodies and Government sessions;
- drawing up conclusions and positions of expert working groups and Government working bodies;
- drawing up and dispatching acts adopted by the Government;
- taking care of the publication of Government acts;
- drawing up minutes of Government sessions;
- taking care of the implementation of the Government's obligations towards the Croatian Parliament, and other tasks.
Further, the General Secretariat performs general, technical, auxiliary and IT tasks for the Prime Minister's Office and performs expert and administrative tasks for the needs of the deputy prime ministers, and other tasks upon their orders.
The Office of the Secretary General of the Republic of Croatia
The work of the General Secretariat and the Office of the Secretary General is managed by the Secretary General, who enjoys the rights and authority of the head of a state administration body. As well as all the tasks mentioned, the Office also draws up the minutes of Government sessions, takes care of the implementation of the Government's obligations towards the Croatian Parliament, takes care of MPs’ questions directed at the Government, and keeps statistical data related to the work of the Government.
One of the tasks of the Secretariat is also to undertake revising and editing work, and administrative and technical tasks for the needs of the deputy prime ministers who are not heads of ministries, and all work related to equipping and maintaining the building of Banski Dvori.
One of the tasks of the Secretariat is also to undertake revising and editing work, and administrative and technical tasks for the needs of the deputy prime ministers who are not heads of ministries, and all work related to equipping and maintaining the building of Banski Dvori.
The Office of Deputy Prime Ministers who are not Heads of Ministries

This Office undertakes expert, administrative and analytical work for the needs of deputy prime ministers, and especially:
- preparation of expert and analytical materials;
- expert processing of materials for deputy prime ministers to participate in the work of the Government, the Inner Cabinet and the Croatian Parliament;
- convening and preparing meetings and drawing up notes from those meetings;
- other work upon the orders of the deputy prime ministers.
Offices of Government Working Bodies

The Offices perform expert and analytical work in the preparation and convening of sessions of a working body and its expert working group, in processing materials to be considered at sessions of the working body and its expert working group, in monitoring the course of sessions of the working body and its expert working group, in the preparation of opinions and proposals by the expert working group, in the preparation of conclusions and opinions of the working body, in the preparation of proposals for decision-making at Government sessions, and in the preparation of Government acts under the competence of the working body.
The Office of a Government working body also performs expert and analytical tasks for the needs of the deputy prime ministers.
The Office of a Government working body also performs expert and analytical tasks for the needs of the deputy prime ministers.
Service for the Development and Maintenance of Technical Systems of the Government

This Service performs work to develop, improve and maintain the IT system, the audio recording system, simultaneous interpretation, the video recording system, technical security (video surveillance, fire alarms and gas alarm systems), the IT system for Government sessions, the television system, the system controlling the entry to and exit of the Government building, the video presentations system, the electrical energy system in the Government building, and IT security tasks.
The Service for the Development and Maintenance of Technical Systems of the Government also performs these tasks for the needs of the General Secretariat and the Prime Minister's Office.
The Service for the Development and Maintenance of Technical Systems of the Government also performs these tasks for the needs of the General Secretariat and the Prime Minister's Office.
The Service for Clerical and Administrative Tasks

This Service performs clerical and administrative tasks for the Government, the Government working bodies and their expert working groups, the Prime Minister's Office, and the deputy prime ministers and members of the Government, and in particular:
- filing;
- copying;
- archiving;
- other tasks upon the orders of the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General.
The Service for General Affairs

The Service for General Affairs performs general, technical and support work for the Government, the Government working bodies and their expert working groups, the Prime Minister's Office, the deputy prime ministers and members of the Government, and in particular: typing, printing and distribution of material for Government sessions, for sessions of working bodies and for their expert working groups; receiving and dispatch of mail; compiling, storing and keeping documents from Government sessions; binding the minutes of sessions of the Government and binding other publications; preparing the conference room for sessions of the Government, working bodies, expert working groups and meetings that are held in the Government; maintenance of typing and printing equipment; providing duplicated material and other tasks as requested by the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General.