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Croatian seaman kidnapped in Nigeria freedThe seamen kidnapped in Nigeria, including one Croat, have been freed and are on their way home, the Seafarers' Union of Croatia (SPH) said on Sunday. 29.10.2018. | News
Gov't sends new islands bill to parliamentThe government sent to parliament on Thursday a bill paving the way for the demographic and economic revitalisation of the Adriatic islands and their self-sustainability and self-sufficiency. 26.10.2018. | News
PM says cabinet meeting on Hvar has reference to development of islandsToday's cabinet meeting on the island of Hvar has reference to the development of islands, and "a hand has been extended" to the island populations through a bill on islands and three tourism-related bills, since a quarter of tourism revenues comes from the islands, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said after the meeting in the town of Hvar on Friday. 26.10.2018. | News
PM Plenković with Peruško on the work of Agrokor's emergency administrationEmergency manager Fabris Perusko and his deputy Irena Weber met with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic ahead of Economy Minister Darko Horvat's presentation of a report on the implementation of the law on emergency administration in Agrokor. 24.10.2018. | News
Uljanik will not endanger the stability of public financesFinance Minister Zdravko Maric told a government session on Wednesday that in the period from 2010 to September 2018 the government had issued HRK 7.5 billion worth of guarantees for the Uljanik shipbuilding group, of which HRK 4.29 had been activated, while the government said that all contracts on the construction of vessels to which the state collateral referred would be checked together with prosecutors. 24.10.2018. | News
PM: Budget, public debt statistics positivePrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday that the latest figures from Eurostat and the Croatian Bureau of Statistics (DZS) on the budget and public debt were favourable, that the debt was expected to continue declining but that the impact of the government's guarantees for the Uljanik shipbuilding group on the financial situation remained to be seen. 24.10.2018. | News
Croatian PM believes EU offer to Britain good, generousThe offer made by the European Union to Great Britain in Brexit negotiations is good and generous and now it remains to be seen what is acceptable to the Britons considering the political situation in their country, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Brussels on Thursday before the start of the second day of the EU summit. 18.10.2018. | News
Croatian PM to talk to EU officials about situation in Bosnia and status of Bosnian Croats

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday that he would use the EU summit in Brussels as an opportunity to talk to European officials about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina following the general election, given the status of the Croat people in that country.

17.10.2018. | News
Govt sends package of pension reform bills to parliamentThe government on Wednesday sent a package of bills to parliament for the comprehensive pension reform following four months of negotiations with social partners, with Labour and Pension System Minister Marko Pavic saying that current pensioners can expect further increases in their pension allowances, while future pensioners can expect the second pension pillar to strengthen, the investments to increase in that pillar and that pensioners will be able to select the most favourable option to use those funds upon retiring. 17.10.2018. | News
PM says focus must be on peaceful reintegration messagesPrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday in a comment on a recent protest in Vukovar, that the Croatian public and everybody who is politically responsible needs to put the focus on messages of peaceful reintegration -- namely on building trust, restoring dialogue and coexistence, as this is particularly important today when Croatia is in NATO and the EU and when it wants stability and relations with neighbours based on trust and cooperation, adding that victims would not be forgotten and the government will not allow for war crimes not to be fully investigated. 17.10.2018. | News