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PM says Eastern Partnership summit went wellAfter the end of an EU Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels on Friday, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that enviable progress had been achieved compared to the previous summit held in Riga in 2015. 23.11.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic to attend 5th Eastern Partnership summit in BrusselsCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic will attend a European People's Party summit and the 5th Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, his office announced on Wednesday. 23.11.2017. | Announcements
Press release regarding ICTY verdict against Mladic Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Wednesday said that life imprisonment rendered by the UN tribunal against Mladic for war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina was appropriate, however, the premier expressed regret that the ICTY indictment against Mladic had not incorporated war crimes committed in Croatia by Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) troops under his command in the autumn of 1991 and in early 1992. 22.11.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic says 2018 budget realisticPrime Minister and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) leader Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday that the 2018 draft budget was realistic and reflected the political priorities of the government's platform, stressing that he did not want to comment on empty and unfounded comments by opposition leader Davor Bernardic. 22.11.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic presents draft 2018 budget to parliamentPrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic presented a draft state budget for 2018 to parliament on Wednesday, saying that next year his government would focus on the needs of the people and on the necessary reforms in order to raise productivity and living standards. 22.11.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic satisfied with pace of signing contracts on EU-funded projectsPrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and ten of his ministers  in Slavonski Brod on Tuesday attended the third session of the Council for Slavonia, Baranja and Sirmium and talked to the the prefects of all five Slavonia counties, after which Plenkovic expressed satisfaction with the accelerated pace of signing contracts on EU-funded projects. 21.11.2017. | News
PM says gov't has done a lot for VukovarPrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Vukovar on Saturday that since last year, when the government held a session in the eastern town, a lot had been achieved, including the preparation of a Vukovar development bill and the adoption of a decision to raise the Vukovar development fund by 50%. 18.11.2017. | News
25th years of Internet in Croatia markedA ceremony was held at the National University Library in Zagreb on Friday evening to mark the 25th anniversary of the Internet in Croatia. 17.11.2017. | News
PM says gov't aims to raise employment rate to 68% by term's endCroatia's goal is to raise the employment rate to 68% during this government's term, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Friday in Gothenburg, where he was attending a European Union summit on social issues. 17.11.2017. | News
Agrokor advisory board says emergency administration going in good directionThe emergency administration procedure in Agrokor is going in a good direction and conditions have been created for the emergency administration to focus now on drafting a settlement agreement for creditors to decide upon, an advisory board in the emergency administration procedure in the ailing Agrokor food and retail conglomerate concluded on Thursday. 16.11.2017. | News