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Sinjska Alka tournament held in VukovarThe Sinjska Alka lancing tournament, that is annually held in August in the Dalmatian town of Sinj in memory of the victory by 700 Croatian defenders of Sinj against 60,000 Ottoman soldiers under Mehmed Pasha Celic on August 14, 1715, was held on Saturday in Vukovar as a token or respect for that eastern Croatian town that experienced tribulations in the Homeland Defence War. 06.05.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic sure Slavonia can be competitive with new qualitiesCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, who was on a visit to eastern Croatia on Saturday, also toured the privately-owned Zito company, one of major food producers in that part of Croatia that employs 1,500 workers and exports its products abroad. 06.05.2017. | News
Additional 20 mln euro secured for entrepreneurs from EU fundsSmall businesses that wish to apply for loans at more favourable terms under the schemes of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for small loans can count on an additional 20 million euro which has been provided in the envelope for that purpose and an agreement to that affect was signed on Friday by the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds and the Croatian Agency for SMEs (HAMAG-BICRO). 05.05.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic says Opposition's initiative failsAfter the parliament did not pass a vote of no-confidence in Finance Minister Zdravko Maric, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Thursday that the initiative from the Opposition and the Bridge party had failed, and added that the topic whether he had secured a parliamentary majority was irrelevant today. 04.05.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic: Croatian public sees who is the factor of stability, and who has destructive agendaCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at the start of the government meeting on Thursday that Wednesday's parliamentary debate on the Opposition's motion of no confidence vote against Finance Minister Zdravko Maric showed that the Opposition had neither argument nor evidence to corroborate their demand. 04.05.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic: Populism and demagoguery would not receive public support. This is a moment when masks are falling downPrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Wednesday energetically defended Finance Minister Zdravko Maric, whose dismissal had been requested by the opposition SDP party, telling the Bridge party, his HDZ party's coalition partner until recently, that masks were falling down and that their populism and demagoguery would not receive public support. 03.05.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic: Defenders' sacrifice was in the foundations of the free and democratic CroatiaThe state leadership, led by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, as well as numerous veterans and citizens laid wreaths and lit candles in Okucani on Monday to pay their respects to the defenders killed in Operation Flash, in which the army and the police liberated the western Slavonia region 22 years ago. 01.05.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic congratulated Labour DayPrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Sunday congratulated everyone on Labour Day, saying the government was open to social dialogue and that it was doing everything to increase employability, improve living conditions and stop young people from emigrating. 30.04.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic: Absolute consensus on negotiations with Britain to leave the EULeaders of the 27 EU member-states on Saturday adopted guidelines for negotiations on Britain's exit from the EU, and for Croatia the most important issue is the financial impact on the EU budget, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said after a summit meeting in Brussels. 29.04.2017. | News
Plenkovic, Cerar, Juncker agree easier border crossing

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Slovenian PM Miro Cerar reached an agreement at a meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels on Saturday that border police could switch from systematic to targeted checks as soon as waiting on border crossings took more than 15 minutes.

29.04.2017. | News