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Prime Minister Oreskovic: Public procurement law has to be changed, it mustn't hinder investmentsPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said in Dubrovnik on Monday that the Public Procurement Law should be amended so that it did not hamper investments and that the lowest bid could not be the most important criterion in public procurement procedures. 05.04.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic: 664 mln euro available for Smart Specialisation StrategyAddressing the conference "CIRAZ 2016: Harnessing Innovation to Drive Economic Growth – The Ron Brown Legacy" in Dubrovnik on Monday, Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic warned that Croatia is lagging behind in the field of innovation. 04.04.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic says investor from Middle East looking for farmland in SlavoniaPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said during a visit to the eastern city of Vukovar that an investor from the Middle East was looking for 10,000 hectares of land in the Slavonia region and that one should see if at least 5,000 hectares of farmland in Vukovar County could be secured for that investor. 01.04.2016. | News
Croatia's February retail sales up 3.2% y-o-yRetail sales in Croatia in February 2016, compared with February 2015, rose by 3.2% in real terms and by 1.6% in nominal terms, which was faster than the previous month and a higher increase than expected, figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics (DZS) on Friday show. 01.04.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic visits two family farms, enterprise zone in eastern CroatiaOn the second day of his visit to the eastern County of Vukovar-Srijem on Friday, Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic visited a family-run pig farm in Komletinci, a family vegetable farm in Privlaka and the enterprise zone in Otok. 01.04.2016. | News
First Deputy Prime Minister Karamarko appalled at Seselj acquittalFirst Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko has said he is appalled at the ICTY acquittal of Vojislav Seselj, while Parliament Speaker Zeljko Reiner hopes justice will be served with the final verdict. 31.03.2016. | News
Deputy Prime Minister Petrov: It's tragic one of Greater Serbia architects is acquittedDeputy Prime Minister Petrov said that the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) had lost its credibility by acquitting the accused Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj on all counts of the indictment for war crimes. 31.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic says Seselj verdict prosecution's defeat, tribunal's disgracePrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said in Vukovar on Thursday that the acquittal of Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj was a defeat of the Hague war crimes tribunal's prosecution and a disgrace for the UN court. 31.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister says government needs to cooperate with prosecutor's office to step up investmentsPrime Minister Oreskovic said at the start of a government session that he and Economy Minister Panenic met with Chief State Prosecutor Dinko Cvitan on Tuesday to discuss ways to accelerate investments, announcing that he would discuss investments during his visit to Vukovar later this week. 30.03.2016. | News
First Deputy Prime Minister Karamarko marks start of building works on 147 mln projectFirst Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko on Tuesday marked the start of construction works on the implementation of the EU project "Improvement of water infrastructure in the Virovitica agglomeration, worth HRK 147.2 million. 29.03.2016. | News