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Gov't and MOL negotiators discuss exploration and production by INANegotiators of the Croatian government and the Hungarian oil company MOL met in Zagreb on Thursday for a third round of talks on the future of the oil company INA, saying afterwards that the talks were marked by a much more cooperative attitude than had been the case with the previous two rounds and focused on exploration and production.
  16.01.2014. | News
Finance Minister to relieve assistant if commission finds conflict of interestFinance Minister Slavko Linic said on Thursday that his assistant Branko Segon was not in conflict of interest but that if the Conflict of Interest Commission established otherwise, he would relieve him of duty.
  16.01.2014. | News
Government to invite bids for reconstruction of Kupari tourism complexThe Croatian government decided at its session on Thursday to issue a public call for expression of interest in the construction and reconstruction of a tourism complex in Kupari near Dubrovnik.
  16.01.2014. | News
Minister Zmajlović: Croatia won't have to pay bio-waste penaltiesCroatia's Environment and Nature Protection Minister Mihael Zmajlovic has said that his country will not have to pay penalties over biodegradable waste as it met the necessary criteria for the reduction of this waste last year.
  16.01.2014. | News
First integrated register of Croatia's state property made publicThe first integrated register of Croatia's state property was inaugurated on Wednesday and made available to the public on the web site of the State Property Management Office (DUUDI).
  15.01.2014. | News
Croatia sets up commission to facilitate investment projectsThe application of legislation on strategic national investment projects will in some cases shorten the time needed to realise an investment by a few months and in some other cases by up to a year, Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Branko Grcic said at a news conference on Monday.
  13.01.2014. | News
Gov't conducts new classification of rail corridorsThe Croatian government on Thursday decided on a new classification of railway lines throughout the country, thus changing the terms for Croatia's sections of pan-European corridors.

09.01.2014. | News
Gov't intensifies int'l cooperation in exchanging tax infoThe Croatian government at its session on Thursday sent to parliament a bill on ratifying the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters with the aim to prevent tax evasion and fraud.

09.01.2014. | News
Ministers: We are not borrowing outside what is plannedCroatian government ministers on Friday dismissed criticisms that the government could not manage public finances properly and was borrowing money outside what was planned, saying that borrowing was necessary in order to refinance debts incurred in previous years.
  03.01.2014. | News
Croatia seeking major investor for Veliki Brijun tourism projectAt its session on Friday, the Croatian government gave its approval for the selection of a consultant for investments in the hotels and accompanying services on the northern Adriatic island of Veliki Brijun.
  03.01.2014. | News