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Milanovic: Croatia is committed to rule of law Croatia and its government are fully committed to respecting the rule of law because they recognise it as the core of any democratic society, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said at a high-level panel discussion on the rule of law, held before a general discussion at the UN General Assembly in New York on Monday.

24.09.2012. | News
Parliament gives vote of confidence to new government ZAGREB, Dec 23 (Hina) - Croatia's Parliament on Friday afternoon voted confidence in the new government led by Zoran Milanovic of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), who thus became the 10th Prime Minister since Croatia gained independence.

23.12.2011. | News
Kosor PM meets Croatian minority reps in Belgrade BELGRADE, April 1 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor met in Belgrade on Friday with representatives of the Croatian minority in Serbia for talks on the difficulties they face every day, of which one of the most important is the right to textbooks in the Croatian language.

01.04.2011. | News | Press releases
Prime Minister meets Bulgarian president ZAGREB, March 21 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor on Monday met Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov at the government.

21.03.2011. | News | Press releases
Prime Minister Kosor meets EU Delegation head 18.02.2011. | News | Press releases