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Croatia's Army has developed into efficient and modern armed forcesAt the beginning of his cabinet's meeting on Friday, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković sent a congratulatory message to the armed forces and the ground army on the occasion of Army Day and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Croatian army. 28.05.2021. | News
GDP 0.7% decline as expected, future figures to be betterFinance Minister Zdravko Marić said on Friday that the latest statistics on a year-on-year GDP decline of 0.7% in Q1 2021 were in line with the government's forecasts, noting that statistics for Q2 would certainly be positive. 28.05.2021. | News
Rafale aircraft to arrive in Croatia in 2024The 12 used French multi-purpose fighter jets Rafale F3R bought by Croatia will arrive in Croatia successively in 2024, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said after a government session on Friday at which the government reported about having accepted the French offer worth €999 million. 28.05.2021. | News
Plenković: with a multi-role fighter aircraft Croatia is gaining a powerful strategic deterrent for the next 30-40 yearsOn Friday, 28 May 2021, at its 59th session, the Croatian Government adopted a Decision on the Procurement of the Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA). 28.05.2021. | News
Plenković receives Yang: Croatia continuing to strengthen ties with ChinaCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Thursday received Yang Jiechi, director of China's Central Foreign Affairs Commission Office, for talks on the strengthening of Croatian-China ties and economic cooperation, the government said in a press release. 27.05.2021. | News
COVID-19 restrictions to be eased as of FridayAs of 28 May coronavirus restrictions will be eased to allow gatherings of more than 100 people and private gatherings will no longer be banned while public events can last until 11 pm, the national COVID-19 response team said on Wednesday, adding that the measures would remain in force until mid-June. 26.05.2021. | News
The Parliament's Defence Committee supports the Government efforts on the selection of fighter jetsThe parliament's defence committee was on Wednesday informed by the interdepartmental task force of the decision on the selection of fighter jets, however, after the meeting, the defence minister did not reveal the decision but announced that the government would make public its decision on Friday. 26.05.2021. | News
Decision on Croatia's entry to Schengen area expected on the Council agenda during the Slovenian presidencyCroatia hopes its entry to the Schengen area of passport-free travel could be put on the agenda during Slovenia's EU presidency in the second half of this year, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Monday. 24.05.2021. | News
Relaxation of anti-epidemic rules possible before 1 June due to good trendsThe head of Croatia's COVID-19 crisis management team, Interior Minister Davor Božinović, said on Monday that some restrictions could be eased even before 1 June, including the opening of restaurants' indoor sections. 24.05.2021. | News
Marić says it's very good Fitch has left Croatia in investment zoneFinance Minister Zdravko Marić said on Sunday it was very good for Croatia that Fitch had affirmed its investment rating. 23.05.2021. | News