About 20 more bills on euro introduction to be sent to parliament by year's end

Photo /Vijesti/2022/24 kolovoza/IMG_2267.JPG

Speaking at a government session dedicated to the formulation of bills related to the changeover to the euro, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Wednesday the government would forward to the parliament 65 bills today, while another 20 or so would be sent to the parliament by the end of the year.

The set of 65 bills to be sent to the parliament today is being tabled for adoption after a single reading, after which some 20 more bills, also related to euro introduction, will be sent to parliament for consideration under regular procedure, he said.

The PM said that the Croatian economy was highly euroised, recalling that the goal of euro introduction had been clearly stated in the programmes of both the 2016 and the 2020 government. By completing EU accession talks and signing the treaty of accession, holding a referendum and ratifying the treaty, Croatia has made it very clear that it wants to join the euro area, he said.

"Over the past few years we have worked systematically on meeting the criteria and conditions for euro area membership, which will happen, owing to the most recent decisions of the European Council and Ecofin..., on 1 January 2023," he said.

Text: Hina
