Aladrović: Rise in the base wage was on the agenda of today's meeting

Photo /Vijesti/2019/10 listopad/28 listopada/Ministar_Aladrovic.jpg

Labour and Pension System Minister Josip Aladrovic said on Monday that the act of three trade unions walking out of a meeting at which the government and unions were negotiating possibilities for a base pay rise was "a performance" whereby those three unions from the educational sector had "privatised" the negotiations for their specific interests.

Aladrovic said after today's round of the talks that it was at the request of those unions that a meeting with trade unions of public services' employees was shifted from Friday to Monday morning.

Aladrovic accused the union leaders of the striking teachers' unions of using today's meeting to promote their specific interests.

In that context, he underscored that the government was holding negotiations with 11 trade unions and not only with the two striking unions of primary and secondary school teachers.

Aladrovic confirmed that a rise in the base wage was on the agenda of today's meeting.
Text: Hina

