At the European Council, the key issue are migrations

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It's not realistic that ships with migrants will start docking into Croatia ports because that would be against international law, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Brussels on Thursday ahead of an EU summit with migrant issue being one of the key topics on the agenda.

"You know that according to international law, when ships (with irregular migrants aboard) are noticed they need to be escorted to the nearest port. That is an international obligation," Plenkovic told reporters, explaining that ships with migrants aboard sailing into Croatian ports is not a realistic scenario.

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel has again said that it won't be possible to reach a consensus at this summit concerning migrations and asylum and has urged that a solution be found with those countries that want to do so through bilateral agreements.

Asked whether Germany had contacted the Croatian government in that regard, Plenkovic said that there had been some contact at the diplomatic level but without any concrete agreement.

"We are discussing the improvement of seven legislative proposals that are related to reviewing the Dublin Regulation. According to that regulation it is possible to conclude bilateral agreements that would enable a quality cooperation between member states with regard to secondary migration. There has been some contact at the diplomatic level but there hasn't been any concrete agreement," Plenkovic said.

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"Croatia's stance is that we embark on realising the second part of the agreement with Turkey, that is, EU's financial obligation and we support additional readiness to provide funding for African countries. Therefore, to strengthen the external dimension of migrant policies and that is what is most important at the moment, to strengthen control of the EU's external border. That is essential for Croatia because if the external borders are well guarded then illegal migration or attempts through our country will be reduced," Plenkovic said.

"It is vital that we try and reach a consensus because a European solution that everyone will adhere to is the only way  to resolve the challenges which are ahead of us and which we have been facing over the past few years. It is obvious that due to demographic trends poverty, wars and non-functioning of countries in Africa and in the Middle East, this trend will continue," he said.

Plenkovic supports Albania and Macedonia on their EU journeys

Plenkovic also supported the Council for General Affairs conclusion that has paved the way for opening accession negotiations with Albania and Macedonia in a year's time, provided that the necessary progress is achieved.

"We are pleased that the path has been opened for Macedonia and Albania at the meeting of the ministers of the Council for General Affairs. Croatia made a valuable contribution to that discussion. Croatia is prepared to provide the necessary support, all its experience that it gained during accession as well as political support in that process. After the summit in Sofia, in 2020 during its chairmanship, Croatia will host the following EU-Western Balkans summit so that it can give an impetus to our neighbours in that process," said Plenkovic.

Croatia is ready to discuss with Slovenia ways of resolving the border issue after Slovenia's new government is formed, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Thursday after meeting Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) leader Janez Jansa and discussing the matter with him in Brussels earlier in the day.

Plenkovic and Jansa were attending a meeting of leaders of the European People's Party who meet before each EU summit.

"We are willing to negotiate with our Slovenian friends in order to solve this long-lasting outstanding issue in a diplomatic way and bilaterally. I have told so SDS leader Janez Jansa today and I hope a new government will be formed soon in Slovenia because we are ready to negotiate again," Plenkovic told reporters.

Plenkovic also commented on relations with the USA when asked by a reporter about Ambassador Robert Kohorst's statement that Washington had taken Croatia for granted so far and about a possible visit by U.S. Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis.

"We always try to have good relations, I haven't read that statement specifically, but what is good is that we are partners in NATO. There is a possibility that the Secretary of Defence will visit Croatia after the NATO summit in Brussels. We must finally get a decision on the cancellation of visa requirements and we have been working on that continually," said Plenkovic.

Text: Hina
