Bridge connecting Ciovo island with mainland inaugurated

Photo /Vijesti/2018/07 srpanj/17 srpnja/5.jpg

A long-awaited bridge connecting the island of Ciovo with the mainland, off the coastal town of Trogir, was officially opened by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Tuesday.

The bridge, worth around EUR 32 million, of which 85% were EU grants, is expected to reduce traffic jams in the Trogir area.

"People living on Ciovo and in Trogir had hoped and wished for this bridge for decades," Plenkovic said, noting that the bridge would help reduce traffic jams in Trogir and facilitate the flow of people and goods.

The bridge is a concrete example that "we are implementing our major infrastructure projects," he said.

Asked if the completion of Ciovo Bridge and the success of the national football team at the World Cup in Russia could encourage positive changes in the country, he said that the nation was extremely proud of and united by the footballers' success and that that should inspire changes in other spheres of social life as well.

Asked what he and his government could do to offer new optimism, he said "Work".

"We will do it by working on a daily basis," the PM said, adding that the current first budget surplus was owing to his government's work.

"If we are continually working on improving the country's credit rating and reducing public debt, if all macroeconomic indicators are good and the government is working on increasing employment and launching infrastructure projects such as Ciovo Bridge, if with regard to national security we have practically resolved all strategic issues and are opting for energy projects that are putting us on the world's and Europe's map, if we work responsibly and with commitment, understanding the impatience of our people and all of their long-lasting unfulfilled wishes and expectations - (that means that) we are here to do our best based on our knowledge, experience and wish to help the homeland. We are doing that every day," said Plenkovic.

In that context he also recalled the Agrokor crisis, saying that the situation would have looked entirely differently had that crisis escalated.

Tender to be published for bridge at Gradiska

Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Oleg Butkovic said that activities regarding the construction of the bridge to connect the southernmost peninsula of Peljesac with the mainland were continuing as planned and that a tender for the construction of a bridge at Gradiska, on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, would be published this year, whereas Svilaj Bridge on the 5C corridor, also on the Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina border, would be opened next year.

Several government ministers attended today's inauguration of Ciovo Bridge.

Text: Hina
