British royal couple meets Croatian PM, goes sight-seeing

  • Photo /Vijesti/Vijesti fotografije/ožujak/14 ožujka/DSC_8300.jpg

Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic and his wife Sanja Dujmovic Oreskovic on Monday held talks with British Crown Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall.

Royal couple listened to a talk in the court yard of the government building about the reconstruction of the building following a 1991 shelling during the Homeland War. 

After talks with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and her husband Jakov, the royal couple went on a sight-seeing tour of Zagreb's Upper Town which they reached from Tomiceva Street by the funicular.

The ride was brief given that the tracks are only 66-metre-long which makes the Zagreb funicular one of the shortest public transport funiculars in the world. Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla were then greeted by Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic.

The royal couple then headed toward the Croatian National Theatre where they will attend a programme marking the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare.

In the evening, the royal couple is scheduled to return to the President's Office, where a a formal dinner will be given, to be attended by 66 guests, including political leaders, religious dignitaries, business people and prominent public figures.


(Text: Hina)
