Contract signed to build Ciovo bridge

Representatives of the Hrvatske Ceste (HC) road operator and the Viadukt construction company on Friday signed a contract to build a bridge connecting the island of Ciovo to the mainland and access roads. The contract is worth HRK 129.5 million, excluding VAT.

The construction of the bridge and the access roads, estimated at HRK 230 million, is to be completed in 20 months. The bridge will be 551-meters-long, while the length of the bridge and the access roads will total 1,850 metres.

The construction of the bridge and the road infrastructure will relieve traffic congestion in the centre of Trogir, which is on UNESCO's World Heritage List, as well as provide better connections with Split's airport and nearby motorways.

The construction of the bridge and the access roads is the first major HC project to be co-financed with European Union funds, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Sinisa Hajdas Doncic said at the signing ceremony.

He said the preparation of infrastructure projects for co-financing from EU funds was very demanding, taking at least two and a half years.

He said the Peljesac bridge project would be submitted for EU funding in the middle of the year.

(EUR 1 = HRK 7.6)

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