Coric has my full support, no arguments for opposition initiative

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Wednesday rejected all opposition demands to give Economy Minister Tomislav Coric a vote of no confidence, describing the opposition's arguments as ridiculous and noting that Coric enjoys his support.

Forty opposition MPs have signed a motion to give Coric a vote of no confidence regarding a project to build the Krs-Padjene wind park, the appointment of Nella Slavica as director of the Krka national park, and possible violations of the principle of impartiality at the time when Dragan Kovacevic was reappointed the CEO of the JANAF oil pipeline operator.

Plenkovic said that the fact that the motion was signed by opposition MPs from different groups confirmed that there was a coalition between the Social Democratic Party, the Homeland Movement and Bridge.

"The motion has been signed by a coalition consisting of Skoro, Bridge and the SDP, the same coalition that toppled Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic," said Plenkovic.

He said that the signatories to the motion "called for dialogue with the government even though they had been invited to talks by the government", claiming that they wanted voters to forget about the results of the last parliamentary election at which they were defeated.

Commenting on the opposition's motion, Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Coric said that in relation to the Krs-Padjene wind park, a decision from July 2017 had been made following multiple consultations with the office of the chief state prosecutor.

"The government and I as minister, during my term at the Environment and Energy Ministry, never did anything contrary to national interests," said Coric.

As for Slavica's appointment as the director of the Krka national park, Coric said that the ministry honoured a ruling by the Split Administrative Court, giving a clear explanation as to why she was appointed, and as for Kovacevic's appointment as JANAF CEO, Coric said that he did not have any contact with Kovacevic during the selection procedure.

Text: Hina
