Croatia's exports in January-November 2014 up 9.3%

Photo /Vijesti/2015/siječanj/8 siječanj/shutterstock_72777469.jpg

Croatia's exports totalled HRK 72 billion in the January-November period of 2014, an increase of 9.3% compared with the same period of 2013, while imports went up by 4.7% to HRK 120.7 billion, according to provisional figures released by the DZS national statistical office on Monday.

The foreign trade deficit at the end of November 2014 was HRK 48.6 billion, down 1.4% compared with the same period of 2013. Coverage of imports by exports improved from 57.2% in the first eleven months of 2013 to 59.7% in 2014.

Viewed in euros, exports reached EUR 9.4 billion, up 8.4%, while imports rose by 3.8% to EUR 15.8 billion. The foreign trade deficit was EUR 6.4 billion.

The figures show that Croatia conducts most of its trade with European Union countries, with the EU accounting for 63.7% of its exports and 75.8% of its imports. Croatian exports to the EU in the first eleven months of 2014 totalled EUR 6.02 billion, an increase of 10.9% in relation to the corresponding period of 2013, while imports from the EU went up by 6.5% to nearly EUR 12 billion.

Croatia mostly exported to Italy, namely EUR 1.3 billion worth of commodities, which was an increase of 4.1% compared with 2013. Its second largest export market was Slovenia, with exports increasing by 13.5% to EUR 2.2 billion, while Germany was third, with EUR 1.06 billion worth of exports, or a rise of 1.4% over the first eleven months of 2013. At the same time, Croatia mostly imported from Germany (EUR 2.4 billion, up 12.4%), Italy (EUR 2.2 billion, up 13.5%) and Slovenia (EUR 1.7 billion, down 3.8%).

Croatia's exports to CEFTA countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, and Serbia) increased by 11.5% to EUR 1.9 billion, while imports fell by 7.6% to EUR 834.2 million.

(Hina) vm

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