Croatian citizens invited to attend central EU entry celebrations

The head of the organising committee of the celebrations marking Croatia's accession to the European Union, Tomislav Saucha on Friday invited citizens to attend the celebrations in Zagreb's Ban Jelacic square on Sunday.

"The celebrations have been organised so that as many people take part and it is in everyone's interest that the square be full and that we celebrate that moment together", Saucha told a press conference on Friday.

The latest guest list includes 15 presidents of state and three parliament speakers, 13 government delegates, 12 deputy prime ministers, seven foreign ministers and 20 other high ranking guests, he said.

We have received confirmation that Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will attend on behalf of Great Britain. French Minister for European Affairs Thierry Repetin will attend the celebrations too and Turkey will be represented by European Affairs Minister and the country's chief EU negotiator Egemen Bagis.

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic's special guest will be future Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama whose left coalition convincingly won at Sunday's parliamentary election in that country and he will also attend the celebrations on Sunday night.

European institutions to be presented at the celebrations include President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy, European Parliament President Martin Schulz and President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso.

European Union representatives expected at the celebrations include the presidents of Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovenia and the prime ministers of Portugal, Poland, Latvia, Hungary, Belgium, Slovakia, Malta and the Austrian Chancellor.

When it comes to southeast European countries, we have received confirmation that Serbia's President Tomislav Nikolic and Kosovo President Atifeta Jahjaga will attend in addition to several other prime ministers and foreign ministers.

Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo will attend as the Pope's delegate and U.S. Deputy State Secretary Phillip Reeker and Canadian Labour Minister Lisa Raitt have confirmed their arrival.

Asked by reporters whether German Chancellor Angela Merkel had originally confirmed her attendance and then cancelled or whether she had not confirmed her arrival at all, Saucha did not wish to reply. "She herself, as far as I am aware, spoke about that yesterday and today the prime minister (Milanovic) too so I do not wish to add anything to that", he said.

