Croatian PM, Austrian minister talk cooperation

Photo /Vijesti/2018/07 srpanj/24 srpnja/Austrija/2.jpg

Croatian Prime Minister Andrj Plenkovic on Tuesday held talks with visiting Austrian Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl whose country is taking over the European Union Presidency on 1 July.

They underscored traditionally close and friendly relations between Austria and Croatia and their strong partnership within the European Union.

Plenkovic pointed to the strong economic cooperation between the two countries, adding that Austria was Croatia's second biggest economic partner when it comes to investments in Croatia, according to a press release issued by the Croatian government's public relations office.

Kneissl said that the two countries had excellent cooperation in culture, adding that Croatia was a favorite tourist destinations to many Austrians.

The two officials expressed their strong support to Southeast European countries on their journey to the EU. Plenkovic added Croatia was prepared to share the knowledge and experience it gained in the process of drawing closer to the bloc.

Plenkovic and Kneissl also talked about Brexit negotiations and the migration issue, which Austria set as a priority of its EU presidency.

They also discussed preparations for Croatia's presidency of the bloc in 2020, the statement said.

Text: Hina
