Croatian PM extends condolences to Greek counterpart following deadly wildfires

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic offered his condolences to his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras and the families of the victims of fires that continue to rage near the Greek capital of Athens, the Croatian government's public relations office said in a press release Tuesday.

"We were deeply shaken by news of disastrous wildfires in Greece that claimed many lives and caused enormous material damage," Plenkovic said.

"Sharing your sadness over the tragic losses, I am happy that we can help you in efforts to put out the fires by sending you our firefighting planes and crew," Plenkovic added.

Wildfires sweeping through a Greek resort town killed at least 74 people, officials said, including families with children found clasped in a last embrace as they tried to flee the flames.

Croatia's Defence Ministry said in a press release earlier today it was ready to send two firefighting planes to Greece to help in efforts to put out wildfires

Croatia stands ready to send two Canadair CL-415 aircraft if the Hellenic Republic requests so, the statement said.

Text: Hina
