Croatian Prime Minister Plenkovic visits Yad Vashem

Photo /Vijesti/2017/01 siječanj/24 siječnja/PVRH_ POLAGANJE VIJENCA.jpg

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Centre in Jerusalem on Tuesday, saying that the visit would strengthen his commitment to the struggle against any form of hatred, racism and Holocaust denial.

"The visit to the Yad Vashem Memorial has left a very strong impression on me and I sympathise with the profound suffering, struggle and survival of the Jewish people in the Holocaust," Plenkovic told after the visit.

"We are determined to keep alive the memory of each of the six million victims for future generations and reinforce our engagement in promoting the values of mutual respect, understanding and tolerance," he said.

"My commitment to the fight against any form of hatred, racism and Holocaust denial has been strengthened by today's visit and the memory of more than a hundred Croatian righteous among the nations," he added, expressing sincere sympathy with the families of the victims and the Jewish people on behalf of the Croatian government.

The names of 113 Croats who risked their own lives to save Jews during the Holocaust are inscribed on the walls of the Garden of the Righteous Among the Nations.

During his working visit to Israel, which ends on Tuesday evening, the Croatian prime minister met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin and member of the Opposition Tzipi Livni.

His visit came as the two countries mark 20 years since establishing diplomatic relations, and further promotion of cooperation between the two countries, which has seen considerable progress in recent years, was agreed during the talks.

Text: Hina
