Defence minister says Homeland War victims mustn't be forgotten

Defence Minister Damir Krsticevic on Monday attended ceremonies marking the 28th anniversary of the fall of the town of Skabrnja into the hands of Serb rebels and the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), and on that occasion he called for keeping the memory of all victims of the war alive.

"Vukovar, Skabrnja and all victims of the Homeland War must not ever be forgotten. The Croatian army organised a (75-kilometre-long) march from Knin to Skabrnja to express respect to all victims of the Homeland War, particularly of Skabrnja and Vukovar," said Krsticevic referring to the two-day march which started on Saturday in Knin and ended today in Skabrnja.

Text: Hina

News | Krsticevic Damir