Deputy PM Kosor presents national campaign against corporal punishment of children

ZAGREB, Jan 9 (Hina) - Croatia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Family Affairs, War Veterans and Inter-generational Solidarity, Jadranka Kosor, on Friday presented a national campaign against the corporal punishment of children and its activities, which are to be carried out this year.

The family is the place where a child learns about respect among people and if a child is not taught about it by its family, no school or faculty will manage to do it, Kosor said.

Some of the campaign's activities are designed to get politicians, scholars and other public figures from the field of culture and education to talk publicly against corporal punishment.

The campaign will include surveys, lectures, round table discussions, seminars and workshops.

Kosor said that family centres would have a special role in the campaign and that they would organise meetings and events involving parents and children to promote the campaign's goals.

The Council of Europe campaign to ban the corporal punishment of children, called "Raise your hand against smacking", was launched in Croatia last June.

Croatia is among 18 Council of Europe countries to have banned by law the corporal punishment of children.

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