Deputy PM sees positive industrial output as impetus to recovery in 2015

The Croatian Deputy Prime Minister responsible for regional development and EU funds, Branko Grcic, on Thursday said he was confident that the registered rise in industrial production coupled with other positive trends would help Croatia pull out of the six-year-long recession in 2015.

In December 2014 industrial production in Croatia jumped 5.3% on the year, the most since the beginning of 2009, and this was markedly more than analysts expected and the fourth straight month of increase, the national statistics office reported. Last year, industrial production increased 1.3% from 2013 for the first time after five years of decline.

Grcic said in his statement for Hina that the industrial output data were "the crown of the positive trends from 2014".

He believes that good results in industrial output, rising exports, a growth in tourism and mild recovery of personal consumption can be seen as impetus to the recovery in 2015 from the six-year-long recession.

(Hina) ms
