Go get your jab! This is still the best we can do for our safety

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Prime Minister Andrej Plenković warned on Thursday that the coronavirus epidemic was not waning and the number of COVID-19 deaths in Croatia had exceeded 11,000, once again calling for adherence to epidemiological measures and vaccination.

"Unfortunately, the pandemic is not waning and the number of people who have died from or with COVID has exceeded 11,000. That is an enormous number," the prime minister said at the start of Thursday's cabinet meeting. The situation demands that we continue to adhere to basic epidemiological measures - mask-wearing, physical distancing, ventilation, hygiene and avoidance of large gatherings, he said.

Plenković recalled that over the past week, 474 people died of COVID and 70% of them had not been vaccinated. The people who died and who had been vaccinated had other serious underlying conditions, he said.

"The message that it is necessary to get vaccinated continues to be the strongest message we can send, both politically and health-wise," said Plenković.

To date, 2.2 million people in Croatia have received at least one vaccine dose, which is 64.5% of the adult population.

Plenković once again appealed to all citizens to trust the experts and to get a booster dose if they are in a position to do so.

Crime in Split deserves harshest condemnation and punishment

In reference to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, marked on 3 December, Plenković said that the government provides strong support to disabled persons because it is important for everyone in society to have equal opportunities.

According to data from the Croatian Institute for Public Health (HZJZ), there are 586,153 disabled persons in Croatia, which is a share of 14.4% in the total population.

The PM once again commented on the murder of a woman at her workplace in Split, underscoring that that crime deserves the harshest condemnation and punishment.

The government has made huge steps in that regard, making provisions of the Penal Code and other laws regulating the punishment of domestic violence stricter, he said.

However, there is unfortunately no mechanism that "can prevent louts, savages and idiots who commit these crimes," he said, adding that a lot can be done with regard to harsher punishment.

"We will endeavour to reduce the number of cases like this as much as possible," said Plenković.

Text: Hina
