Gov't extends its job-keeping aid through April, HRK 10bn spent so far

Photo /Vijesti/2021/ožujak/25 ožujka/17.jpg

The government on Thursday adopted a conclusion to prolong its job-keeping aid for sectors affected by the coronavirus pandemic to include April, saying that HRK 10 billion had been granted for that purpose so far.

The government entrusted the Croatian Employment Service (HZZ) Steering Council with adopting a decision on the extension of the job-keeping measures in sectors affected by the coronavirus crisis and the consequences of the December 2020 earthquake in Sisak-Moslavina, Zagreb and Karlovac counties.

Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy Minister Josip Aladrović said that considering the challenging epidemiological situation, it had been decided that support for businesses affected by the pandemic would be extended to include April as well.

"Labour market trends are absolutely positive, jobs have been preserved and we can say that these measures have significantly impacted the economic situation in Croatia as well as the post-pandemic recovery," said Aladrović.

Speaking to reporters after the government session, Aladrović said that the continuation of job-keeping measures in April would cost the state HRK 500-550 million.

He said that state aid had been suspended for around 200 cafes and restaurants over non-compliance with epidemiological restrictions.

PM: State has backed private sector, workers

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said that his government was continuing with its most successful measure in the past 12 months, on which HRK 10 billion had been spent so far, covering around 120,000 employers and 680,000 workers.

He said that owing to the measure, the number of workers at the end of March this year should be higher than in March 2020, adding that according to data from the Finance Ministry, the payment of contributions was proceeding very well too.

"The state has backed its citizens, the private sector, and primarily workers and their families," said Plenković.

Under the government's conclusion, in 2021, HRK 2.3 billion has been set aside for this purpose and it is estimated that in April, state aid will be granted to around 30,000 employers with around 120,000 workers.

Write-off of electricity, gas bills in earthquake-hit areas

The government adopted a conclusion regarding the write-off of electricity bills for end-users in the earthquake-hit Sisak-Moslavina and Zagreb counties for April this year.

The total cost has been estimated at HRK 5 million, and the necessary funds will be secured through redistribution of budget funds.

The government also adopted a conclusion extending exemption from the payment of the road toll for travel along the Zagreb-Sisak highway A11.

Transport Minister Oleg Butković said that the value of the road toll not collected so far amounted to HRK 6.8 million.

Text: Hina
