Gov't okays projects important for Sisak County

Photo /Vijesti/2017/02 veljača/23 veljače/DSC_1275.JPG

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Thursday at the beginning of his cabinet's session in the city of Sisak that holding a government meeting this town some 50 kilometres south of Zagreb, was an act of showing that a special attention and assistance was given to that region which "perhaps has undergone the hardest journey of the process of transition since the 1990s".

Recalling the consequences of the war and destruction during a Greater Serbia aggression in the early 1990s, Plenkovic said that the damage caused by the war on infrastructure and industrial assets in Sisak-Moslavina County stood at a billion euros.

In order to facilitate the development of the county and to halt the shrinking of the local population, the Plenkovic cabinet made a few decisions concerning the development of infrastructure.

Thus, the government gave a green-light to the projects of building a bridge across the Odra River, a ring-road and access roads, as well as the reconstruction of a bridge in Sisak, and the total value of this plan stands at 250 million kuna.

The government transferred the ownership from the former administration building of the Sisak Steel Mill to the City of Sisak for the implementation of the local technological park. The government donated a land in the town of Petrinja for the construction of a church.

After the session, two contracts are to be signed regulating the provision of non-repayable 70 million kuna from EU funds for the reconstruction of the hospital complex in Sisak.

A few government ministers underscored potential for the county in absorbing EU funds for projects in agriculture and in other business sectors.

PM Plenkovic said that this county was important because of its natural gas resources, thermal resources and scenery such as Nature Park Lonjsko Polje.

