Government nominates Ante Ramljak as receiver for Agrokor

  • Photo /Vijesti/2017/04 travanj/10 travnja/30. sjednica VRH.jpg

The Croatian government on Monday nominated Ante Ramljak as receiver for the ailing Agrokor food and retail group.

Under the Law on Emergency Receivership in Systemically Important Companies, the Commercial Court is required to rule within two days on the opening of receivership proceedings and the appointment of a receiver.

Ramljak worked with the Investco brokerage from 1992 to 1996 and served as chairman of the board of the Croatian branch of the CAIB investment consultancy from 1997 to 2007. From 2007 to 2011 he was a partner at the Quaestus private equity fund, and from 2012 to 2014 he was a special adviser to Deputy Prime Minister for Economy Radimir Cacic and a member of the management board of the Energy Department at the Centre for Monitoring Energy Sector Business Activities and Investments.

Ramljak is currently a partner at the Texo Management consultancy.

Text: Hina
