Govt adopts amendments to allow purchase of state-owned housing in Vukovar

At its session on Thursday the government approved the adoption of amendments to three bills which facilitate the purchase of state-owned flats in the Vukovar area and in all other areas of special state concern under the same conditions as prevailed in previous sales of social-housing.

The amendments relate to the Law on the Status of Displaced Persons and Refugees, the Law on Reconstruction and the Law on Areas of Special State Concern which allows current occupants to purchase their real-estate at a lower price, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and European Union Funds Branko Grcic explained.

Revenue collected from the sales will go to local government units to upgrade their utility infrastructure, Grcic added.

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic underscored that this would solve the problem for people who have for years been discriminated against in relation to the rest of the population.

For years people in Vukovar have lived in a vacuum as they lost their tenancy rights while the area was under Serb military occupation and so were not able to purchase these properties. Now this will be possible, he said.

