Govt. proposes bill on minimum secured allowance of HRK 2,900 per month

The government on Thursday approved a bill on social welfare that proposes to unify four benefits into one which would be known as a single guaranteed welfare benefit and which could amount to a maximum of HRK 2,900 per month.

The benefit would cover unemployment benefits, maintenance allowance, and other social welfare benefits which until now were regulated by separate legislation.

Deputy Prime Minister Social Policy and Youth Minister Milanka Opacic said that anyone who does not have a sufficient income for living or own any real estate that can be sold or put to use would be eligible for the guaranteed welfare benefit.

The single benefit means a single administrative procedure in social welfare offices. The government's objective is not cuts, Opacic underscored, but a more just distribution of social welfare payments.

The maximum amount of the guaranteed welfare benefit would be HRK 2,900 per month, which is the current minimum gross wage.

Opacic pointed out that there was a certain section of society that has become used to living off "welfare" and so the bill proposes that working age people can be eligible for the guaranteed welfare benefit for a maximum period of two years, which will compel them to find a job.

