Minister says closure of kindergartens, schools, faculties not an option for now

Photo /Vijesti/2020/03 ožujak/10 ožujak/HN20200309488859.JPG

The head of the national civil protection authority, Minister of the Interior Davor Bozinovic, has said that the closing down of schools, kindergartens and faculties in Croatia was not an option at the moment.

"For the time being, that is not an option for Croatia," Bozinovic told reporters in a comment on the request by the Istria County civil protection authority that the national civil protection authority make a decision, as soon as possible, to cancel all public cultural and sports events until April 14, as well as to close down kindergartens, schools and the university in Istria County.

Bozinovic said that local civil protection authorities were organised in the same way as the national authority and that therefore they could make decisions of that nature on their own and did not have to wait for anyone's approval.

As in Europe, in Croatia, too, the risk of coronavirus infection varies from region to region. The national civil protection authority discusses the situation on a daily basis and makes decisions and recommendations and introduces measures in a timely manner, said Bozinovic.

Text: Hina
